About post(hu)

Welcome to post(hu), a blog providing random bits of useful information.

Useful information generally refers to data, facts, or knowledge that is beneficial, practical, or valuable in a particular context. It implies that the information provided is relevant and can be applied to achieve a specific purpose or goal. What is considered useful may vary depending on the situation, needs, or objectives of the person seeking or receiving the information.

What is "Popular"

What is the Three-body problem

What is the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation

What is Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, the bacteria responsible for the eyedrops infections

Stoicism: The Philosophy of Resilience

Why are cosmetic companies allowed to exaggerate their claims

What is Makena: the premature birth drug hydroxyprogesterone caproate

Why do some banks offer High Yield Savings Accounts and some don't

What are the California truck standards under their Clean Air Act

What is the Canine Distemper Virus

What is The Talcum Powder Lawsuits (California Baby Powder Lawsuit)